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Mermaids Save Diver's Life

Mermaids Save Diver's Life

News For Kids

2022/12/08 | 00:05:11 | SoundOn #education

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Have you ever seen a mermaid? Not in a movie, or a book. I mean a real mermaid!

Okay, let's be honest… mermaids aren't real.

But still, some people like to pretend to be mermaids with their friends. They wear big fake fish tails, and swim together in the ocean, learning cool mermaid moves! It keeps them strong and healthy. They call it "mermaiding".

Two months ago, a group of friends were mermaiding off the coast of California. Suddenly they heard a voice calling for help!

The shouting was for a man called Pablo, who had been diving with his friends. He was not feeling well, and had fainted. His friends had tried to help him, but they weren't strong enough!
原來是一個叫做 Pablo 的人,在潛水的時候昏迷。他的朋友想幫忙,但是力氣不夠!

Three mermaids found Pablo and saved his life! One of them, Elaina, was a trained firefighter. She knew exactly how to help: she gave Pablo the kiss of life.
英文裡面有個笑話,人工呼吸也叫做kiss of life生命之吻!這群美人魚救了 Pablo!其中一位美人魚 Elaina 是個訓練有素的消防員,她幫 Pablo 做了人工呼吸!

Imagine waking up to a real mermaid kiss! Pablo must have thought he was in a dream!

Pablo is still alive, and all the mermaids now have a cool, fun way of keeping fit and healthy with their friends, all thanks to mermaiding!


  1. fish 魚
    Is that a fish? 那是一條魚嗎?
    No, it's a mermaid! 不是,是美人魚!
    No, it's a girl wearing a fishtail. 錯了,是一個女生穿著魚的尾巴。

  2. together 一起
    She swims so well! 她游泳游得真棒!
    Yeah, and she's swimming together with another mermaid. 沒錯,而且她在跟另外一條美人魚一起游。

  3. swim 游泳
    You are a good swimmer too. 你也很會游泳。
    Would you like to dive in and swim with her? 想不想跳進水裡跟她一起游?
    No, I'm fine here. 不要,我在這裡很好。

  4. pretend 假裝
    I don't want to pretend to be a mermaid. 我可不想假裝成美人魚。
    You want to be a shark, right? 你想當鯊魚,對不對?
    Exactly! 正是!

Would you read the words with me?
fish 魚
together 一起
swim 游泳
pretend 假裝


  1. What is a mermaid?
    A: Half human, half cow
    B: Half cow, half fish
    C: Half fish, half human

  2. Where was Pablo diving with his friends?
    A: California
    B: Corsica
    C: Krakatoa

  3. Which mermaid was also a trained firefighter?
    A: Elaina
    B: Ariel
    C: Pablo


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A