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Flying Motorcycles are Coming

Flying Motorcycles are Coming

News For Kids

2021/09/28 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

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Motorcycles are cool!

But I'm going to tell you about something even cooler… flying motorcycles. 飛天摩托車也太酷了吧!

Yep, I said FLYING motorcycles!

A company in America has built one already. They tested the flying motorcycle in February… and it works. You can ride it on the road, and you can ride it in the sky. It's called The Speeder. 創造這種摩托車的美國公司,今年二月已經讓它試飛過,它可以在街上跑,也可以飛上青天。

The company is making three kinds of flying motorcycles. All three types of flying motorcycles will be called The Speeder. 這家公司推出三種型式的摩托車,這三種飛天摩托車都叫做 The Speeder。

One will fly very, very fast… over 240 kilometers per hour. But you need a lot of training to fly that one. You need to have a pilot's license to fly it. 其中一種飛行時速可以超過240公里,但是需要特別執照才能駕駛。

The Speeder is expensive, though. It costs about $380,000 U.S. dollars. That's over $10 million NT! 這個 Speeder 的價錢很貴喔!一輛要價38萬美金,那是一千萬台幣!

I guess I'll have to watch other people riding them in the sky.



  1. Ride 騎車。
    Can you imagine riding a flying scooter? 你能想像騎著飛天摩托車嗎?
    Yes, I can. But I prefer riding a scooter on the ground. 我可以,但是我寧願騎車在地上跑。

  2. Fly 飛翔。
    I'm flying to Taitung next week. 我下星期飛去台東。
    Why not take a train? 為什麼不搭火車?
    Flying is not much faster. 搭飛機沒有快很多。

  3. Expensive 貴的。
    An airplane ticket is more expensive, too. 而且飛機票比較貴。
    Well, I enjoy looking at the mountains from above. 我喜歡從天上看高山。

  4. In the sky 在天上。
    It's a great feeling to be in the sky! 在天空中的感覺很棒。
    Yeah, you can almost touch the clouds. 是啊,幾乎可以摸得到白雲。

These are fun words to remember.
ride 騎車
fly 飛翔
expensive 昂貴的
in the sky 在天上


Q1: What is the name of the flying motorcycle?
A: The Scooter
B: The Flyer
C: The Speeder
Q2: How many types of flying motorcycles will be made?
A: One
B: Two
C: Three
Q3: How fast will the fastest flying motorcycle fly?
A: 100 kilometers per hour
B: 240 kilometers per hour
C: 380 kilometers per hour

  1. C
  2. C
  3. B