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What’s up with Chengyu 成語好有事

What’s up with Chengyu 成語好有事



2021/03/26 | Firstory


#1 S2E07 | Everything everywhere all is silence 萬籟俱寂
2023/05/01 | 00:08:20
#2 S2E06 | You don't know the power of music until you listen 靡靡之音
2023/04/03 | 00:08:38
#3 S2E05 | #1 Don't for communication 對牛彈琴
2023/02/28 | 00:06:46
#4 S2E04 | Valentine's Day special 琴瑟和鳴 河東獅吼
2023/02/13 | 00:06:40
#5 S2E03 | Festival vibe is 人聲鼎沸 鑼鼓喧天
2023/01/20 | 00:07:05
#6 S2E02 | When she left but not her voice 餘音繞樑
2023/01/05 | 00:05:28
#7 S2E01 | How about working someone with reputation 如雷貫耳?
2022/12/12 | 00:06:06
#8 S1E12 | How you get 洛陽紙貴 in digital age? Last episode of the season too!
2022/11/06 | 00:07:00
#9 S1E11 | When boss gets angry, you 噤若寒蟬
2022/10/31 | 00:06:45
#10 S1E10 | Long weekend trip was 十全十美 until...
2022/10/23 | 00:06:48
#11 S1E09 | Your urban survival toolkit 勾心鬥角
2022/10/02 | 00:07:27
#12 S1E08 | Make your teacher proud 青出於藍
2022/09/25 | 00:08:02
#13 S1E07 | Ukraine strikes back 勢如破竹
2022/09/19 | 00:07:17
#14 S1E06 | Take a walk when 光風霽月
2022/09/11 | 00:07:34
#15 S1E05 | Everyday in this summer 汗流浹背
2022/09/04 | 00:07:39
#16 S1E04 | Rules of war or war without rules 兵不厭詐
2022/08/28 | 00:07:45
#17 S1E03 | When in the ghost month 鬼鬼祟祟
2022/08/21 | 00:06:21
#18 S1E02 | Living in the city be like 車水馬龍
2022/08/14 | 00:04:53
#19 S1E01 | Flight like Xiang Yu 所向披靡
2022/08/06 | 00:04:50
#20 Hello from what’s up with Chengyu!
2022/07/31 | 00:01:16