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Here comes the Aussie Taiwanese! 澳客來了!

Here comes the Aussie Taiwanese! 澳客來了!

Lloyd the Taiwanese


2021/09/14 | Firstory


#1 Ep.15 我的平凡移民人生代碼
2022/05/31 | 00:18:49
#2 Ep.15 Those codes represent my life journey in Australia!
2022/05/31 | 00:18:55
#3 Ep.14 An insurance, you are never able to claim!
2022/05/27 | 00:18:06
#4 Ep.14 天地良心,保了個不理賠的健康保險,救命喔!
2022/05/27 | 00:17:46
#5 Ep.13 對!就是那個讓人愛不釋手的健保!
2022/05/24 | 00:20:21
#6 Ep.13 You don't have MediCare?
2022/05/24 | 00:20:57
#7 Ep.12 What the H for Hilton!!!
2022/05/20 | 00:18:00
#8 Ep.12 紅了,發了,希爾頓名廚來了!
2022/05/20 | 00:21:45
#9 Ep.11 說一口好菜!!!
2021/12/14 | 00:15:11
#10 Ep.11 Let me sentence a gourmet dish for you!!!
2021/12/14 | 00:15:23
#11 Ep.10 All those hidden immigrants' secrets, emotionally unspoken.
2021/11/23 | 00:16:45
#12 Ep.10 移民的那些鳥事,說了也沒有人想懂!
2021/11/23 | 00:21:17
#13 Ep.9 Fine dining, Casual dining, whatever~~~
2021/11/16 | 00:25:50
#14 Ep.9 生活總要有點儀式感,晚餐更是如此
2021/11/16 | 00:32:29
#15 Ep.8 Lunch is Ready!!
2021/11/09 | 00:27:48
#16 Ep.8 學校營養午餐,我想你了
2021/11/09 | 00:29:35
#17 Ep.7 Your ROLL is not WRAP!!!
2021/11/02 | 00:28:47
#18 Ep.7 有好多好多早餐在這裡
2021/11/02 | 00:30:22
#19 Ep.6 Name an Authentic OZ food! Mate!
2021/10/26 | 00:23:31
#20 Ep.6 澳洲,哪時有美食!
2021/10/26 | 00:22:57
#21 Ep.5 Gheee, Sharehouse nightmare!!!
2021/10/19 | 00:22:00
#22 Ep.5 住套房,想得美!!!
2021/10/19 | 00:23:52
#23 Ep.4 $2600 to start at very beginning!!!
2021/10/12 | 00:21:30
#24 Ep.4 摸摸口袋,只剩六萬塊!
2021/10/12 | 00:24:02
#25 Ep.3 What you choosed is not what you choosed.
2021/10/05 | 00:32:02
#26 Ep.3 你的人生,不是你的人生
2021/10/05 | 00:27:06
#27 Ep.2 移民澳洲,包你發!
2021/09/28 | 00:28:15
#28 EP.2 我成功移民澳洲欲來接阿母住!!!(台語特別節目)
2021/09/28 | 00:23:41
#29 Ep.2 Immigration, a way to ultimate success & prosperity
2021/09/28 | 00:27:37
#30 Ep.1 誰跟你說我會說英語的?
2021/09/21 | 00:27:43
#31 Ep. 1 Who told you that I speak English
2021/09/21 | 00:24:21
#32 Intro, 中文
2021/09/17 | 00:01:58
#33 Intro, English
2021/09/17 | 00:02:28


Something ridiculous you may not know but happened in this country, Australia, daily.

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