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Sex & Complex | Self-education: Why do human have sex? | S2 E14 | Love & Sex | Umy

Sex & Complex | Self-education: Why do human have sex? | S2 E14 | Love & Sex | Umy

Love. Self. Umy!

2022/04/09 | 00:05:26 | Firstory #arts

Play Episode


What is a virginity complex?
What kind of people has a virginity complex?

Let me show an everyday example: There is a pair of twin sisters standing in front of me. I know that the younger one is a virgin and the older one is not, so I can only fall in love with the younger sister, right? Sounds weird. Or, although I only have feelings for the older sister, she is not a virgin, so in order to love a virgin similar to her, I will choose to stay with the younger one. What!?

No, I don't want to date the younger one. What the hell is going on with me? Does that mean I don’t have a virginity complex? So why did I give this example? Because I imagined that virginity complexes should only be found in straight men. Or, am I wrong again? Maybe only females have virginity complexes. Such as mothers, aunties, grandmas, mothers-in-law, or, beautiful young ladies. Be careful, this is my gender trick.

In fact, it is I who have a serious sexual complex, but it is not a virginity complex, not about „having or not having sex experiences“.

My sexual complex is „having an unprotected sex experience.“ I know that unsafe sex calls for a sincere commitment. Thus as I was not ready for that commitment, and if I even encouraged, motivated, and asked for unprotected sex, and finally made it happen, I would be extremely disgusted with myself.

Question: "Why did I voluntarily choose to have unsafe sex"?

Female A: Because I'm at the age for pregnancy, and I don't rule out having children. I know that illegitimacy is not a mark of disgrace anymore. And having a child out of wedlock is not a dirty thing at all. Most of all, I like children, and being a mother is also an option for my future.

Female B: Because according to my settled life plan, maintaining this relationship is the most important thing in my life, right now, at this moment.

Female C: Actually, I value my own feelings more than the other person's thoughts: I just want to get myself sexually excited right now. So I didn't prepare, I didn't discuss it, I didn't talk to the guy. But after our unprotected sex, I regretted it, I kept wondering „Why did I think ‚it doesn't matter at that time?“

I have the same answers with all these three females. Yes, my sexual complex is really serious. I have a complex not only with sex, but also with intimate relationships:

 I have a „Relationship Perfection Complex".

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