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My sister is unique | Self-analysis: Who can I be? | S2 E08 | Love & Sex | Umy

My sister is unique | Self-analysis: Who can I be? | S2 E08 | Love & Sex | Umy

Love. Self. Umy!

2022/05/01 | 00:05:39 | Firstory #arts

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My sister is so weird.
What is she writing? What is meta-sex? What is an empath? She has always been like this, thinking of academic language, and then she would be self-taking, snickering, and very proud, she is completely a crazy woman living in her own world... That does not make sense. Most of her friends are the whole packages, they are curve-wreckers among the academic stars. Why did she become so weird? Wait, no, someone like her should have no friends. Why did she have so many good friends? 

The weirdest thing about her is that her rebellious period started at age 28. Isn't that what happened before age 18? She didn’t go through her rebellious stage in middle school. When she was in middle school, she was always the class leader and the top student. She studied every moment, even during the shower. I was really amazed when I saw that she packed her textbooks in a sealed bag and walked into the bathroom. It's no wonder that she has become a greenhouse flower, no wonder that breaking up at the age of 28 would suddenly beat her badly. Because she had never become a loser.

Things became annoying after she broke up. She changed her look every day, she cut her hair very short, she threw her own dress away and then kept wearing my clothes, especially my clothes for military training...

She also asked me, „Hey! How do I look? Manly?“

Can someone explain why did she become like this?

Well, in fact, I think I got it. Because I have watched her previous episodes, and she only cares about these four things until now:
1) She knows sex very well.
2) She knows her sexuality.
3) She is used to thinking "Who I am".
4) She wants to help people more efficiently.

But she would take these to extremes, she thought that 
1) She is obscene.
2) She is emotionally lewd.
3) She has depression.
4) She is a people-pleaser.

So I say, my sister is really a unique person.

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