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Day 8~12 | Ankles

Day 8~12 | Ankles

Love. Self. Umy!

2022/08/18 | 00:02:19 | Firstory #arts

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When running, my ankles are no longer tight and painful, but flexible like rubber bands. Because my toes and the balls of my feet got strength, and they are caressing the ground equally. They are balancing each other.

I also want to balance myself. I want to relocate people’s pain. Especially pain about sexuality, because sexuality is our essence.

I have never been sexually assaulted, but I have met people who encountered sexual harm. I have heard their stories. I have seen their expressions. I can imagine the exact scenes in my mind.

After some days, I found out the secret: if these stories are muted, switched, or changed, either by themselves or by others, it will harm people, endlessly.

"I was dead already when the act happened.“ I always remember this sentence and the expression of the speaker.

I want to recognize these wounds, I want to accompany those who are struggling, and I also want to understand and respect their stories in a mature way.

Keep going! This is how I become myself.

Music by MichaelKobrin from Pixabay
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