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My Sex Exploration | Self-education: Why do human have sex? | S2 E13 | Love & Sex | Umy

My Sex Exploration | Self-education: Why do human have sex? | S2 E13 | Love & Sex | Umy

Love. Self. Umy!

2022/04/09 | 00:03:55 | Firstory #arts

Play Episode


These are all the explorations of who I really am. 

Now, I look back at those moments. I have a very good memory. I observed, "What was I thinking at that time, and why?" I got a clear answer. My self-exploration came earlier than my sexual desire, I started self-exploring when I was 11. A love letter can recall my feelings, and a love song can make me self-reflect right away. I'm touched! My heart is paralyzed! But I have no “sexual excitement”, no “arousal”, and no “orgasm”. 

At that age, I didn't even understand these terms at all.

During those conversations, I was wandering in the sky, feeling light and comfortable. Just holding hands, I am super happy, just a tender hug, my heart would melt, just a kiss on the cheek, my heart would go crazy. 

Ever since I knew what “sex behaviors” mean, I paused my expressions. I waited, I kept the feelings, until it was the time for a drama performance, for chorus singing, and for article writing, I exploded. 

Then, it came to my first relationship. I was completely active. I controlled the atmosphere, I adjusted my mood suddenly, and I switched my voice tones and looks, so I could even act as a passive lover. 

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