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Un-Virginity | Exploring Sex & Love | Virginity Complex | Explore sex | Love & Sex | Umy

Love. Self. Umy!

2022/04/10 | 00:01:45 | Firstory #arts

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Beyond Sexuality
'I don't touch your body secretly, I won’t be frivolous to you, I don't just think about hugging you. I may never be with you. But now there is no way for me to fall in love with other people.

I know you have had sexual experiences. I don't think you're used nor innocent. I have no idea what a virginity complex has to do with me loving you. I can't imagine you without all your memories and past. It is all these past and present moments that make you distinctive as you show up in front of me.

You are your past, your present, and your future.’

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