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S3 Special|Nudity

S3 Special|Nudity

Love. Self. Umy!

2022/07/26 | 00:08:28 | Firstory #arts

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Life flows like water. Our emotions, our bodies, our mental states, are always in this flow. We can say that it is about self-change, self-development or self-growth.

When I look back on my past actions, events, behaviors, I often have some messages popping up in my mind. So I wrote them down:
When I sense myself flowing like water, I am embracing „just the way I am“.

But most of the time, I hide my real words and over-modify selfies. I am afraid of possible self-doubts and others’ questioning. I have been unconsciously refusing to realize my feeling, right away.

Gradually, I became uncomfortable. I am tired of self-blames and self-judgments. I want to quit this habit. I want to live easily and more relaxingly with people.
Therefore, I decided to reveal my "pure feelings“ deep from heart. I present Season 3 through writing out my self-tension, speaking out my real emotions, and recording my body improvisations.
"Dear me, 
Whenever you feel unease and nervous, face your own feelings first. See and accept ’how you are feeling now’, understand your emotions and let them go.“
Presenting these paragraphs above is why I started my artworks from season 1 to 3.

I heard my heart. These voices are my uniqueness. I appreciate my works.

Whenever I listen to my inner voice, my mind fly over the water like a big whale, taking on human memories and emotions. Whenever I look at my naked body, my heart rush into the sky like an eagle, challenging the next impossible.

My life is flowing calmly, like the sea.
One more episode left for Season 3,
Stay tuned 

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