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Pinoy Fiesta - EP4 - Jollibee with Milk

Pinoy Fiesta - EP4 - Jollibee with Milk

Pinoy Fiesta!!

2021/11/09 | 00:24:40 | Firstory #news

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Jollibee is buying 51% stake of Milkshop. I miss their Marshmallow pie!!

Metro Manila under more relaxed Alert Level 2.

Winter is coming, getting cold and chances to have snow soon.

Flower Festival 2021 :Http://http://www.2021tff.com.tw/en/?type=text&S_id=1&lang=cn

Green Fantasy Forest : Http://https://www.facebook.com/GreenFantasyForest/

Mandarin teaching for if you don't feel well and how to express.

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