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Ep. 15: Ten Years with Prof. Joseph Lee [English]

Ep. 15: Ten Years with Prof. Joseph Lee [English]

The Hong Kong On Screen Podcast

2023/01/21 | 00:43:28 | Firstory #tv-film

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With special guest Prof. Joseph Lee, we put on a spirited defense of the seminal anthology film Ten Years, in terms of its artistic merit, political themes, and widespread legacy.

The shorts:
Season of the End〈冬禪〉
Local Egg〈本地蛋〉

The Ten Years films:
Ten Years
Ten Years Thailand
Ten Years Japan
Ten Years Taiwan

Other films mentioned:
Port of Call《踏血尋梅》
Good Take!
Septet: the Story of Hong Kong《七人樂隊》
She Remembers, He Forgets《哪一天我們會飛》
Schindler’s List
The Dark Knight
Warriors of Future《明日戰記》
Plan 75
Beyond the Dream《幻愛》
Revolution of Our Times《時代革命》
Far Far Away《緣路山旮旯》
Hong Kong Connection《鏗鏘集》
Center Stage《阮玲玉》
Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower
Lost in the Fumes《地厚天高》
Blue Island《憂鬱之島》

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