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文藻外語大學華語中心 WENZAO Chinese Language Center


2020/11/24 | Firstory


#1 Where? 在哪裡?
2020/11/18 | 00:06:00
#2 Birthday party 生日派對
2020/11/01 | 00:06:00
#3 Review 複習篇
2020/10/17 | 00:06:00
#4 Practice 練習篇
2020/10/01 | 00:06:00
#5 Red is a lucky colour 紅色帶來好運氣
2020/08/22 | 00:06:00
#6 The more the cheaper 越多越便宜
2020/06/14 | 00:06:00
#7 Just do it 說做就做
2020/05/29 | 00:06:00
#8 Hobbies 愛好
2019/12/20 | 00:06:00
#9 Exercise and Sports 運動
2019/11/20 | 00:06:00
#10 Review 綜合複習
2019/11/20 | 00:06:00
#11 Good manners 禮貌
2019/09/19 | 00:06:00
#12 Friends from the far 有朋自遠方來
2019/08/28 | 00:06:00
#13 Snacking in the night market 夜市吃小吃
2019/08/05 | 00:06:00
#14 Traveling around the island 環島旅行
2019/07/12 | 00:06:00
#15 What is there to see in Taiwan? 臺灣哪裡好玩?
2019/07/03 | 00:06:00
#16 Review 複習篇
2019/06/29 | 00:06:00
#17 Practice 練習
2019/06/29 | 00:06:00
#18 Auspicious Numbers 吉祥的數字
2019/05/14 | 00:06:00
#19 Stinky tofu and blue cheese 臭豆腐與藍乳酪
2019/05/10 | 00:06:00
#20 Where do you work? 你在哪裡上班?
2019/05/07 | 00:06:00
#21 Transportation in Taiwan is convenient 交通方便的臺灣
2019/05/03 | 00:06:00
#22 A Concert 演唱會
2019/03/13 | 00:06:00
#23 Review 複習篇
2019/03/04 | 00:06:00
#24 Differences between east and west 東西文化的差異
2019/01/02 | 00:06:00
#25 Everybody gets some opportunity 人人都有機會
2018/12/27 | 00:06:00
#26 Warm is all right 溫溫的好
2018/12/20 | 00:06:00
#27 Vegetarian or Non-vegetarian is all good 素食葷食都好
2018/12/10 | 00:06:00
#28 People dining out 外食族
2018/11/02 | 00:06:00
#29 Review 複習篇
2018/11/02 | 00:06:00
#30 Practice 綜合練習
2018/11/02 | 00:06:00
#31 A little earlier or a little later 早一點還是晚一點
2018/10/29 | 00:06:00
#32 For here or to go 內用還是外帶
2018/10/25 | 00:06:00
#33 Give it a try 試試看
2018/10/25 | 00:06:00
#34 Practice One More Time 再練習一次
2018/10/22 | 00:06:00
#35 I'll go with you 跟你一起去
2018/10/22 | 00:06:00
#36 Practice 綜合練習
2018/10/22 | 00:06:00
#37 今天吃什麼? What do we eating today?
2018/10/22 | 00:06:00
#38 Chinese Measure Words 中文的量詞
2018/10/16 | 00:06:00
#39 Language Exchange 語言交換
2018/10/16 | 00:06:00
#40 What do you want to drink 想喝什麼
2018/10/16 | 00:06:00
#41 In the Restaurant 在餐廳
2018/10/15 | 00:06:00
#42 Reviewing episode 1 to 5. 複習第一至五集之內容
2018/10/15 | 00:06:00
#43 Practice 練習篇
2018/10/12 | 00:06:00
#44 In the classroom Ⅱ 在教室 Ⅱ
2018/10/10 | 00:06:00
#45 In the classroom 在教室
2018/10/05 | 00:06:00
#46 At school 在學校
2018/10/05 | 00:06:00
#47 In the Car 在車上
2018/10/05 | 00:06:00
#48 At the Airport 在飛機場
2018/10/05 | 00:06:00
#49 EZ Chinese 中文好好學
2018/10/04 | 00:00:20


EZ Chinese is a special series on Chinese to Go, which is jointly produced by the Chinese Language Centre of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages and Radio Taiwan International.


EZ Chinese es una serie especial sobre "Chinese to Go", producida conjuntamente por el Centro de Lengua China de la Universidad de Idiomas Extranjeros Wenzao y Radio Taiwán Internacional.

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