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Raising the stars for the kingdom feat. Lindsay Brown (IFES/Lausanne)

Raising the stars for the kingdom feat. Lindsay Brown (IFES/Lausanne)

"This is Our Tribe!" by Global mobilization Network

2022/05/31 | 00:39:39 | Firstory #religion-spirituality

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“If you want to change the world, start with the university” - Martin Luther

Raised in Wales by his grandmother who is a devout Christian, Lindsay experienced first-hand the life of a believer. He himself came to know the Lord through his local youth group. He shares of his enriching cross-cultural exposures at university and then at OM Logos, a mission vessel, where he
spent 1 year in the continent of Africa. His enriching campus life prompted him to experience the
importance of student ministry, to nurture the next generation, and the significant impact of the
gospel to international students. In the pandemic-affected world, new technology arises quickly,
replacing ‘traditional’ methods of advancing the gospel. However, Lindsay warns his listeners to
stand firm on keeping personal connections with another, personal witnessing and public
proclamation is vital, in conjunction with the use of technology. This episode is sure to leave you with gems from the open and honest conversations with Lindsay and Ray.

About Lindsay Brown
Lindsay Brown is a native of Wales. He studied European history at Oxford (MA) and theology at the Free Faculty of Theology at Vaux-sur-Seine, near Paris, under Henri Blocher.

He has been involved in student ministry with IFES since 1981 and served as General Secretary from 1991-2007. He has been secunded part time to the Lausanne Movement since 2008 and spends the rest of his time running the IFES-FEUER (Fellowship of Evangelists in the Universities of Europe) network which seeks to stimulate the public communication of the gospel in universities across Europe. He is convinced of the strategic importance of student work for the continuing health and strength of the worldwide church.

Lindsay also serves as the International Director for the Lausanne Movement and is the author of ‘Shining like Stars’ – a collection of student stories from the 20th century. He also has a doctorate from the Caribbean Graduate School of Theology in Jamaica.

More about IFES
IFES shapes lives and develops student leaders all around the world. We support locally-led student movements in over 180 different countries. We are committed to seeing a student witness established in every university in the world.

Official website: https://ifesworld.org

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