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Mobilizing the prayer warriors around the world feat. Jenny Oliphant (Ethne Prayer)

Mobilizing the prayer warriors around the world feat. Jenny Oliphant (Ethne Prayer)

"This is Our Tribe!" by Global mobilization Network

2021/12/28 | 00:43:20 | Firstory #religion-spirituality

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Prayer is an essential part of a Christian’s life. It’s a two-way communication between us and our heavenly Father. It happens so often and naturally in our daily lives that sometimes it becomes a routine. And most of the time, we pray for the needs for ourselves, our families and people close to us. How about people who are beyond our communities, those in need or being persecuted, those who don’t know how to pray or are too fearful to pray, or those who have never heard of Jesus in their entire lives - the unreached people?

In this episode, we’re pleased to interview Jenny Oliphant from the Ethne Prayer Team. Born in the United Kingdom, Jenny served in missions for many years in multiple locations, including Israel, Bolivia and Argentina. After spending 15 years in Argentina, Jenny and her family followed God’s calling to return to the UK in 2012, and started her involvement in the prayer movement, focusing on mobilizing prayers globally for unreached people groups. Through partnership with Joshua Project, Mission Frontiers Magazine and other organizations, Jenny and the Ethne Prayer Team can bring first-hand information collected from the field workers to the global body of Christ who are ready to pray, which helps those prayer warriors to not only pray for specific struggles but also to celebrate their breakthroughs as well.  

Are you ready to pray for the unreached? If you find it too hard to keep up the commitment, Jenny has a brilliant suggestion - find another person or a group of people to pray with you! Praying with others helps us stay focused and keeps us accountable, and better than that, we’re building relationships with God and with our brothers/sisters at the same time by praying together. 

Read more about the ministry: https://ethneprayer.org/
The Ethne Prayer team is a relational community which catalyses and connects prayer strategists to pray and mobilise the body of Christ to see God's Kingdom preached and demonstrated amongst all people groups particularly among the least reached peoples and places.

More prayer resources for UPG and missions: 

Join us October 24 – November 27 2021 in 15 days of prayer for Hindus all over the world!

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