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The Transcendent Culture of Leadership feat. Mary Ho (All Nations mission)

The Transcendent Culture of Leadership feat. Mary Ho (All Nations mission)

"This is Our Tribe!" by Global mobilization Network

2021/09/21 | 00:30:49 | Firstory #religion-spirituality

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What is the "niche" for a female leader in the missionary sub-culture? What needs to be changed? As a mission sending agency, how do we consider the importance of working together with others?

In the studio today, we have Mary Ho (All Nations) from Kansas, U.S.. Growing up as an ambassador’s daughter, Mary has lived an adventurous life spanning four continents during her childhood to teenage years. Having observed peace-making efforts between leaders of the world again and again, Mary is deeply convicted that “Jesus is the hope of the nations”.

We also took the opportunity to highlight and celebrate the roles of women in leadership. Mary
encourages all women to explore our God-given gifts, and develop the feminine attributes (such as nurturing and caring) as well as in leadership. She visualizes of an ethnic colorful collaboration in mobilizing missions, the importance of awakening the church and worshipping Jesus as the most important mission above all other ‘missions’ or agendas we may have.

About the special guest
Mary is the International Executive Leader of All Nations. She is passionate about finishing the Great Commission in this generation by making disciples in every remaining unreached people group of the world. Born in Taiwan and raised on four continents, Mary has lived in Swaziland, Taiwan, Indonesia, New Zealand, Philippines, Hong Kong, and the U.S., and traveled extensively. She received her Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Regent University, VA in 2017. She is married to John and has two boys.

Further reading about Mary Ho and her work
The Transcendent Culture of Servant Leadership: Principles for 21st Century Global Mission
Article printed in the March 2020 issue. (Lausanne Global Analysis)
Link: https://www.lausanne.org/content/lga/2020-03/transcendent-culture-servant-leadership

Global Leadership for Global Missions
Article printed in the November 2016 issue. Reprinted in Great Commission News (GCN), Spring 2017.
Link: https://www.lausanne.org/content/lga/2016-11/global-leadership-for-global-mission

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