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"Chirizon"is the place we chat about Taiwanese High school students' daily, and promote the rightness in the world. I'm the HOST and the CREATOR - Matthew. I really want to be a student that stands out for what is right, and what is wrong, especially concerning social issues occurring just now. Including Music, TV shows, Sitcoms, Interviews with students all around the world, and mainly my daily life can all be heard in "Chirizon"!!!! Thus, remember to subscribe to my Podcast Channel and stay tuned!!!
BTW, Click to follow my Instagram (@tz.jrma) and watch my fav memories. Be in touch!
(All rights reserved.)

順帶一提,記得追蹤我的 Instagram (@tz.jrma) 並觀看我最喜歡的故事。一起努力吧!

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