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The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology : Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed

The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology : Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed

Author: Billie Groom
Publisher: FriesenPress
Publication Date: 17 Jul 2019
ISBN-13: 9781525547270
Bookstore 1


"The Art of UPWARD Methodology: Rescued Dogs, The Misunderstood Breed" is a thought provoking journey into the world of dog rescue, rehabilitation, and canine behavior. The companion animal world has experienced enormous changes over the last three decades, yet has remained disappointingly stagnant, and, in some ways, regressed. Ego, rules, gadgets, gimmicks, fear of disrupting the status-quo, and the perceived need for dominance, has created a society void of logic, struggling to meet the needs of dogs with disadvantaged and checkered pasts.
Billie openly shares her experiences and knowledge, in a straight-forward and often humorous manner, acquired over three decades of working with dogs, rescuers, fosters, adopters, and industry experts. She describes how dogs think, learn, process, and absorb our urban world, compared to that of puppies, and explains, without judgement, the inherent limitations of conventional training methods. Billie, then, introduces us to UPWARD Dogology, a formula grounded in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and scientifically proven to address behaviors associated with the adolescent stage, adopted dogs, aggression, and anxiety. Billie is the expert in Canine CBT, a methodology designed to recognize pre-established thought patterns, respect emotions, harness cognitive abilities, and embrace the human-animal bond.
To successfully integrate rescued dogs into our lives, eliminate aversive methods, and prevent behavioral euthanasia and surrender, it is urgent industry leaders open their minds to incorporating UPWARD Dogology (CCBT), alongside other non-aversive, effective methods, into mainstream dog education.

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