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Lessons by Ripley : Or Rather... Spiritual Lessons from a Cat!

Lessons by Ripley : Or Rather... Spiritual Lessons from a Cat!

Author: Ms. Johnnie Lynette Hilliard
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication Date: 06 Aug 2004
ISBN-13: 9781418411992
Bookstore 1


Are you a cat Lover? Do you own a cat? Well, if you do, you know that they have a mind that is all their own! They do what they want, when they want, how they want and why they want! However, there are several lessons that you can learn from them. For example, have you ever seen a stressed out cat? No! Why? Because they know h9ow to relax and to avoid opposition. They know how to have fun! Their motto is eat, drink sleep and be merry! They can even talk! Or so that's what Ripley thinks! Being a four year old with a single mom is not easy for him but he knows how to handle it. He just simply lets God speak through him to teach his mom various lessons. It's not always easy. Some lessons are hard to teach such as why God is bigger than Mommy but we can't see Him or why He causes us to suffer like being declawed; but in the end, He's always there...just like Mommy! If you're ready for a good laugh, a pleasant smile and a few tears, you'll enjoy this book. Lessons by Ripley...a must for all cat lovers to have!!...(and even dog lovers!)

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